

In January of 2011 contract was signed to start construction of Colonia First Aid Squad building, renovation of bays on first floor and adding a second floor for living quarters. First floor doors to be raised and widen with two bays being drive through. The squad will run out of fire station during construction.

In January of 2011 Woodbridge Township went to a trunked radio system. This was in works since 2005. The system has 15 frequencies with hundreds of talk groups. The cost at about 10million plus all departments had to replace all their radios at and additional cost. We also went to UHF paging in late 2010


In December of 2010 the Fire Commissioners purchased a 2008 Ford450/P&L Custom Ambulance from the Avenel/Colonia First Aid Squad for $100,000.00 to replace 1998 ambulance. Avenel/Colonia was selling off equipment to reduce their debt. Lee's Auto Body in Avenel repainted and re-lettered ambulance for Commissioners at no cost to them.


In 2009 fire department received a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) for a diesel exhaust system for our house two(Colonia First Aid Building) for $26,125. A second FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant(AFG) in 2009 was awarded to fire department for computers for all the fire apparatus for $35,000.


In March of 2008 the Fire Commissioners purchased a new 2007 E-One Rescue Typhoon X Rescue with 20' walk around box with some new rescue tools and other equipment. The cost of rescue with equipment was three hundred ninety thousand five hundred In 2007 and again in 2008 the Colonia Fire Department helped cover the city of New Brunswick for a twelve hour shift while they attended a funeral of one of their own.


In 2007 the Chief's office, stairway, hallway, and elevator entrance way were remodeled, and a new sound system installed in hall.

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