Between 1946 and 1951, the two fire companies competed for the fire calls, usually racing each other to answer the calls. But in 1951, the commissioner who did not go to the new fire department attempted to get the town council to abolish the fire district and the fire commissioners.
The other three commissioners discovered what was happening and planned to fight it. A meeting was scheduled for February 6, 1951, which was the next regular council meeting. However, a train crash in Woodbridge on that same day, required that all the fire departments and first aid squads in Woodbridge Township were called to respond to the disaster. When Colonia residents called town hall to inquire about the meeting they were told the meeting was postponed. But, the meeting was held as planned and Fire District # 12 was abolished. The next day, Colonia residents read about abolishment in the newspaper. The first thing the original fire department tried to do was to have the pumper and equipment returned; but, there was a slight problem the other commissioners of the second firehouse sold the pumper, firehouse, and equipment to a local citizen for one dollar. Later, the fire truck and equipment managed to return.