September 2, 2015 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Meeting
September 2, 2015 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners took place at the Colonia Firehouse on September 2, 2015 at 8:30. The meeting was called to order by Board President Ray Hughes followed by a moment of silence for departed members.
Notice of the meeting was advertised in the Home News Tribune and the Asbury Park Press and at Town Hall.
Commissioners present: Ed Sheehan, Bill Higgins Jr., Bill Higgins, Sr. Ray Hughes
Also Present Chief Stellmach Firefighter Mackey Firefighter Giardina
Treasurer's Report will be posted on line with the minutes.
Chief Stellmach
Commissioners have the percentages in front of them. Many guys not making drills and percentages are very low.
Man with the representative from boy scouts today to iron out what Explorers can and can't do.
Buildings and Grounds, Commissioner Higgins, Sr.
The township will give us a discount off our paving job based on what the trailer is worth.
Will be getting a hold of a roofer to get ball park figure. Need to put in the budget for next year.
Water and Hydrants, Commissioner Higgins, Jr.
Insurance, Commissioner Hughes, Jr.
Alarms and Radios, Commissioner Higgins, Jr
Just what I went over in the agenda meeting regarding Inspector Hanley's radio.
Trucks and Equipment, Commissioner Sheehan
The cards that are going to Wildwood are 12-3-1 and the Chiefs car.
Purchasing, Commissioner Hughes, Jr.
The air bag is on order and the strainer came in.
Old Business
Still waiting on specs for generator.
New Business
Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Commissioner Sheehan and seconded by Commissioner Higgins, Jr. at 7:30 pm. Motion passed by a unanimous vote.