July 5, 2017 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Meeting

July 5, 2017 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Meeting

The regular meeting of the Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners took place at the Colonia Firehouse on July5, 2017 at 7:42 pm. The meeting was called to order by Board President Ray Hughes followed by a moment of silence for departed members.

Notice of the meeting was advertised in the Home news Tribune and the Asbury Park Press and at Town Hall.

Commissioners present: Ray Hughes, Bill Higgins, Jr, Bill Stellmach, Joe Fugaro Ed Sheehan


No report. Chief is not in attendance.

Commissioner's agreed if the Chief is not here someone needs to drop off the percentages.

Fire Bureau

Commissioners have their reports. St. John Vianney Fair starts next week.

Treasurer's Report. Commissioner Fugaro

(See Attached)

Buildings and Grounds. Commissioner Higgins


Water and Hydrants. Commissioner Stellmach


Insurance. Commissioner Hughes


Alarms/Radios. Commissioner Stellmach


Personnel. Commissioner Fugaro

Bill Schleck resigned as the Fire Official. Sheehan seconded it to accept Bill Schleck's resignation. Motion passed.

Commissioner Stellmach made a motion and Commissioner Higgins seconded it to appoint Justin as acting Fire Official.

Trucks and Equipment Commissioner Sheehan

Couple of adjustments are being addressed.

Purchasing. Commissioner Hughes

Gear is in.

Old Business

A motion was made and seconded to donate the old Hush to the Tech School in Ohio as long as the school makes arrangements to get it. Motion passed.

New Business

Fire fighter Giardina gave an update on the grants.

Motion was made by Commissioner Higgins and seconded by Commissioner Sheehan

to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 pm. Motion passed.