November 1, 2017 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Meeting

November 1, 2017 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Meeting

The regular meeting of the Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners took place at the Colonia Firehouse on November 1, 2017 at 7:30 pm. The meeting was called to order by Board President Ray Hughes followed by a moment of silence for departed members.

Notice of the meeting was advertised in the Home news Tribune and the Asbury Park Press and at Town Hall.

Commissioners present: Bill Higgins, Jr, Bill Stellmach, Ray Hughes, Joe Fugaro Ed Sheehan, Absent: Bill Stellmach

Chief’s Report

Commissioner have the percentages.

Bob Greene started entering last year's information. He already has format. It needs to be done by 2nd Sunday.

Chief needs six new helmets.

Firefighter Vultar is in charge of gear. He will go upstairs and to through and clean up everything.

The Chief will like to order radio straps from vendor in Ohio.

The Chief is working with Schleck on software they want to coordinate on.

Commissioner Hughes will need the cost before the end of the year.

The Chief is going to set up with a vendor to come to the firehouse to do a demo on solar panels.

Fire Prevention

Monthly reports are on the Commissioner's desk.

Avenel borrowed the Fire Extinguisher prop and were very happy with it. Came back with no problems.

Billy Schleck went over the specs for the new fire prevention vehicle.

Treasurer's Report. Commissioner Fugaro

Report attached.

A motion made by Commissioner Higgins and seconded by Commissioner Sheehan to accept the Treasurer's Report. Motion passed.

Buildings and Grounds. Commissioner Higgins. Jr.

Went over all the items at the agenda meeting.

Commissioner Higgins would like get someone to come in and fix the molding and have Chris the painter come in and the walls. Commissioner Higgins will call and get some prices,

Water and Hydrants. Commissioner Stellmach


Insurance. Commissioner Hughes. Jr.


Alarms and Radios. Commissioner Stellmach

A motion was made by Commissioner Higgins and seconded by Commissioner Sheehan to purchase the County radio strap, and vehicle charger. Motion passed.

Personnel. Commissioner Fugaro


Trucks and Eouipment. Commissioner Sheehan

Items were discussed at agenda meeting.

Purchasing. Commissioner Hughes

Commissioner Hughes wants a list from Vultar after he is done cleaning up the gear room to see what is needed. It will come out of next year's budget.

Old Business

A motion was made by Commissioner Higgins and seconded by Commissioner Sheehan to go out to bid on the new fire prevention vehicle. Motion passed.

New Business


A motion to adjourn meeting was made by Commissioner Higgins and seconded by Commissioner Fugaro. Motion passed.