December 6, 2017 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Meeting

December 6, 2017 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Meeting

The regular meeting of the Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners took place at the Colonia Firehouse on December 6,2017 at 7:30 pm. The meeting was called to order by Board President Ray Hughes followed by a moment of silence for departed members.

Notice of the meeting was advertised in the Home news Tribune and the Asbury Park Press and at Town Hall.

Commissioners present: Bill Higgins, Jr, Bill Stellmach, Ray Hughes, Joe Fugaro
Ed Sheehan, Bill Stellmach                                                          '

Chiefs Report

Chief does not have the percentages.

Generator needs to be emptied of gas and sent out.

Ricky is setting up the demo of the Thermal image camera.

Five guys need new gear. Some guys need new leather boots.

The Chief would like to book the Fire Expo trip for FDIC. There are guys that want to. They need to have good percentages to attend. Need to make sure there is money in the budget for the trip.

Radio in the Chiefs car still is not working properly. The radio is at least 10 years old. The Chief will look into getting prices on a new one.

Each officer will be in charge of one truck.

Commissioner Stellmach asked how the driver training is going. Chief replied they will be starting with the officers first. Insurance is requiring a lot of extra training requirements as well.

New guys and explorers need to do their sensitivity training.

Fire Prevention

Commissioners have their reports.

Freddie going out to get fixed.

Treasurer's Report. Commissioner Fugaro

Report attached.

A motion was made by Commissioner Sheehan and seconded by Commissioner Higgins to approve the Treasurer's Report. Motion passed.

Buildings and Grounds. Commissioner Higgins. Jr.

Getting prices on floor.

Commissioners will be getting keys for SQAD.

Commissioner Higgins is getting a price on having a reader installed at the SQAD.

Water and Hydrants, Commissioner Stellmach

There is going to be a 4 - 5% increase.

Insurance. Commissioner


Alarms and Radios. Commissioner Stellmach

A motion was made and seconded to look into getting a new radio in the Chiefs car under state contract.

Personnel. Commissioner Fugaro


Trucks and Equipment. Commissioner Sheehan


Old Business

A resolution needs to be done to go out to bid to purchase vehicle for Fire Prevention. Commissioner Hughes will call Braslow.

New Business

Budget was introduced.

A motion was made by Commissioner Sheehan and seconded by Commissioner Fugaro to introduce the budget for 2018.

Commissioner Stellmach stated that he is waiting to hear back on the opinion of whether he can serve dual offices.

Commissioner Stellmach compliment officers on the trench rescue on Jordan.

A motion was made by Commissioner Sheehan and seconded by Commissioner Higgins to purchase oxygen mask with longer hose. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Commissioner Higgins and seconded by Commissioner Sheehan to adjourn meeting. Motion passed.