February 6, 2013 Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Meeting

February 6, 2013 Board of Fire Commissioners Regular Meeting 

The agenda meeting of the Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners took place at the Colonia Firehouse on February 6, 2012 at 7:37 pm. The meeting was called to order by Board President Ray Hughes followed by a moment of silence for departed members.

Notice of the meeting was advertised in the Home News Tribune and the Asbury Park Press and at Town Hall.

Commissioners present: Ray Hughes, Ed Sheehan, Bill Higgins, Sr., Bill Higgins, Jr. and Jim Souza

Also Present: Chief Mackey, Firefighter Caposiena, Firefighter Giardina, Firefighter Lorenzen, G. Reilly (First Aid), L. Higgins, (First Aid), E. Giardina (First Aid)

Communications and Bills


First Aid Report, G. Reilly

FA-17 is getting a complete check over since it needs to go for State inspection.

FA-11 was fixed last week by West Lake.

Phone lines are still being worked on. Verizon shut out the ticket without it being fixed.

Commissioner Sheehan

Make sure all the insurance and registration cards for the rigs are up to date. (Laura needs to do it)

Chief's Report, M. Mackey

Have percentages. Will read off tomorrow night at Company meeting those who are under 30%.

Getting ten sets of gear for this year. Five in the spring and five in the fall. He will find out how many guys actually need gear.

We need to buy a new spreader. It cost $8,000. We talked about it last year and are waiting to see if money is left over in budget.

Still waiting on the status of the tool from District 9.

What is status with the radio for South Plainfield?

Would like to build a roof top. Something that would assemble and cost no more than $500.00.

We also talked about buying a thermal camera every year.

We would like a handcart for the rescue costing about $159.00. We could use it to move the equipment off the rescue and into the woods.

We need throw bags for the rope.

Commissioner Hughes would like Chief Mackey to make a list of everything he would like in priority order with prices.

Fire Prevention

Have report.

Commissioner Higgins would like Billy Schleck to explain why EZ Check on Inman Ave. has incident from 2010 still on his report. How long do we let them go for?

Treasurers Report.

(See attached)

A motion to accept treasurer's report was made by Commissioner Sheehan and seconded by Commissioner Higgins, Jr. Motion passed by a unanimous vote.

Buildings and Grounds, Commissioner Higgins, Sr.

Meeting room is 98% complete. Backroom still needs to be cleaned out.

Handle was put on electrical door in fireman's room.

Wunder coming tomorrow to check blue light.

Water and Hydrants, Commissioner Higgins, Jr.


Insurance, Commissioner Hughes


Alarms and Radios, Commissioner Higgins, Jr.

800 radios – Stephanie is not able to supply them for us. Mike Gallagher will be giving out radios at the Chief's meeting. He will have a radio for us at the meeting. We will probably only have to purchase one radio since County is giving us one. Cost is $3,997.00. The radio will be for So. Plainfield.

Personnel, Commissioner Souza, Jr.

During a fire call Chief expressed concern some guys not showing up. We had one week with a call every night. Mike texted everyone who didn't show. They all had different excuses.

Trucks and Equipment, Commissioner Sheehan

12-1 went out for repair with water leak.

Trans in 12-31 was fixed.

Purchasing, Commissioner Hughes, Jr.

Gear on order.

Old Business

Commissioner Souza, Jr.

Election is coming up and we need to get people out to vote to get budge passed. We worked very hard to put the budget together.

Commissioner Higgins, Sr.

Soffits around the whole building need to be repaired. Got a quote for $13,600.00 to do the whole building or $4,800 just to repair the piece that broke off. Will get more quotes from other places.

New Business

Commissioner Hughes

Passed around old paperwork on the firehouse he was given by a resident. Looking into maybe laminating them and framing them.

Commissioner Souza, Jr.

Avenel sent a form asking for an ad in their ad book. ( will look to see if anyone got it)


George Reilly asked to use the first aid building for the Coast Guard Auxiliary two days a week for training. Received approval from board.

Firefighter Giardina

Gave update on grants.

Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Commissioner Higgins, Sr. and seconded by Commissioner Higgins, Jr. at 8:24 pm. Motion passed by a unanimous vote.

icon Attachment to February 2013 Minutes
icon February 2013 Treasurer's Report