October 1, 2014 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Agenda Mtg

October 1, 2014 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Agenda Meeting

The agenda meeting of the Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners took place at the Colonia Firehouse on October 1, 2014 at 7:30 pm. The meeting was called to order by Board President Ray Hughes followed by a moment of silence for departed members.

Notice of the meeting was advertised in the Home News Tribune and the Asbury Park
Press and at Town Hall.

Buildings and Grounds, Commissioner Higgins,Sr.
Cleaning up the building outside.

Water and Hydrants, Commissioner Higgins, Jr.
Water Company Annual Fire Commissioner's Meeting is on October 22, 2014.

Insurance, Commissioner Hughes, Jr.

Alarms and Radios, Commissioner Higgins,Jr.
Commissioner Higgins spoke to Fred from Mobil Tech in reference to program radios. He made a CD but needs a key to put in radio. It will cost from $500.00 to $800.00 to do all radios with voice.
Phone system is in and completed.

Personnel, Commissioner Souza,Jr.
A past member wife passed away and he wants an engine for the funeral. Funeral and wake are in Bound Brook.

Trucks/Equipment, Commissioner Sheehan
George made a call on FA-11 regarding the exhaust and the adjustment was made with no cost.
Front end work was done on 12-34.

Purchasing, Commissioner Hughes, Jr.

 Commissioner Hughes ordered 48 bags of ice met.

Old Business

Commissioner Souza discussed getting a generator for the first aid building. Commissioner Souza is going to call Gurney electric to go out and take at the building. A three phase service would need a bigger generator which is going to be costly.
Commissioners agreed that an engine would be able to be used for Rose Latche's

Trucks and Equipment, Commissioner Sheehan
Commissioner Sheehan went over his items in the agenda meeting. Nothing else is

Purchasing, Commissioner Hughes, Jr.
Commissioner Hughes asked the Chief for his list of items to make sure everything was on list.
Commissioner Hughes said something needs to be done with the trailer. The wood will be taken out of it and the Chief will talk with the officers if they can use the trailer for anything else.

Old Business
Rawa's aunt was looking for copies of all records from the fire regarding the lottery
ticket. All information was sent.

New Business
Commissioner Sheehan looked at headset while in Wildwood. The vendor he spoke
with is sending a proposal.

Old Business
Commissioner Hughes looked at cameras while in Wildwood and didn't see anything.
Commissioner Hughes will go back and do more research and get a couple of quotes.
Commissioner Souza will be bringing in the guy to update the security system at the fire house.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Commissioner Souza and seconded by
Commissioner Sheehan at 8:47 pm. Motion passed by a unanimous vote.