The brotherhood of Firefighting is a bond that is stronger than Local, State, and National boundaries that can overcome hate, fear and acts of terrorism.
A bond filled with compassion, bravery and love for fellow man.
A bond shared by Firefighters the world over regardless of race, creed or age.
A bond not focused on what one person does for himself but what a group of people does for each other,
A bond in which when one of us makes the supreme sacrifice all of us grieve as a family
each losing a piece of themselves with their brother.
It is only by the strength of this bond that a loss this great can be overcome.
Just know my brothers, that you do not face this alone, look around and know,
that we are with you ready to rise above any challenge that faces us.
Together nothing will break our bond as Firefighters.
This is dedicated to our brothers who perished at the World Trade Center September 11, 2001