December 3, 2014 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Agenda Minutes

 December 3, 2014 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Agenda Mtg.

The agenda meeting of the Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners took place at the Colonia Firehouse on December 3, 2014 at 7:36pm. The meeting was called to order by Board President Ray Hughes followed by a moment of silence for departed members.

Notice of the meeting as advertised in the Home News Tribune and the Asbury Park
Press and at Town Hall.
Commissioner present; Ray Hughes, Jim Souza, Ed Sheehan, Bill Higgins, Sr., and Bill
Higgins, Jr.
Also Present: Chief Stellmach, Firefighter Giardina, E. Giardina (First Aid)

Buildings and Grounds, Commissioner Higgins, Sr.
There was an inspection of the firehouse and first aid squad. Everything is under control.

Water and Hydrants, Commissioner Higgins, Jr.

Insurance, Commissioner Hughes, Jr.

Alarms and Radios, Commissioner Higgins, Jr.
Commissioner Higgins spoke to Fred and he is coming Tuesday to re-program radios. Commissioner Hughes stated that Wunder Electric still hasn't finished radio room yet
and it is becoming an issue. Commissioner Higgins will be calling Wunder Electric tomorrow.

Personnel, Commissioner Souza, Jr.
Couple of guys are having problems passing Fire 1. The Company is going to have to decide at the next meeting what to do with Oberberger.

Trucks and Equipment, Commissioner Sheehan
First Aid needed tires and batteries on one of their rigs.
The check engine light on 12-35 is coming on and being looked into. Training needs to be done on 12-2.
Commissioner Hughes ordered the new computer for when the CAD is up and running.
Purchasing, Commissioner Hughes,Jr.
There are a couple of things on order.

Old Business
Commissioner Souza brought up that the budget will need to be voted on at the regular meeting. Budget for next year not going up at all. If we need to use the 2o/o we can because have it in the bank and it will not have to be voted on.

New Business
We got a price of $172.00 for the new lights for four of them. They will try it and see how they work.
Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Commissioner Sheehan and seconded by
Commissioner Higgins, Sr. at 7:56 pm. Motion passed by a unanimous vote.