March 7, 2018 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Agenda Meeting

March 7, 2018 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Agenda Meeting

The Agenda meeting of the Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners took place at the Colonia Firehouse on March 7, at 7:30 pm. The meeting was called to order by Board President Ray Hughes followed by a moment of silence for departed members.

Notice of the meeting was advertised in the Home News Tribune and the Asbury Park Press and at Town Hall.

Commissioners present: Ray Hughes, Bill Stellmach, Ed Sheehan, Bill Higgins

Commissioner excused: Joe Fugaro

Treasurer's Report

See Attached

A motion to accept treasurer's report was made by Commissioner Stellmach and seconded Commissioner Sheehan.   Motion passed by a unanimous vote.

Buildings and Grounds, Commissioner Higgins

Progress on painting of hall. Complaints of dumpster at the First Aid building.

Trucks and Equipment, Commissioner Sheehan

12-2 intermittent problems with light bard. 12-6 still working on overheating problem.

Alarms and Radios, Commissioner Stellmach

Some of the new radio parts for 12-31 came in.

Water and Hydrants, Commissioner Stellmach


Purchasing, Commissioner Hughes

New saws are in.

All packs are being updated a few at a time.

New Business

Commissioners discussed day crew and decided we they would meet and set up some guidelines.

We approved the Chief to book two rooms for the Fire Expo.

Commissioners will have to update 8 packs with the heads up feature in the future. The old ones will not be in compliant.

Commissioners talked about the possibility of a larger shed at the First Aid for storage of 12-6.

Commissioner Higgins is going to talk to First Aid about the dumpster problem.

Commissioners are going to refresh their code of conduct with everyone, with the emphasis on conduct around the young explorers and with the new female fire fighter joining the department.

Commissioners have some quotes on the epoxy floor in the bays and are waiting for additional quotes.

Motion was made and approved to adjourn meeting.