April 2nd, 2014 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Agenda Meeting

 April 2, 2014 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Agenda Meeting

 The agenda meeting of the Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners took place at the Colonia Firehouse on April 2, 2014 at 7:30 pm. The meeting was called to order by Board President Ray Hughes followed by a moment of silence for departed members.

Notice of the meeting was advertised in the Home News Tribune and the Asbury Park Press and at Town Hall.

Commissioners present: Ray Hughes, Jim Souza, Ed Sheehan, Bill Higgins, Sr., and Bill Higgins

Two new members to the Fire Company were introduced.

Buildings and Grounds, Commissioner Higgins, Sr.

Will bring up at the regular meeting the closet and back stairs.

Water and Hydrants, Commissioner Higgins, Jr.


Insurance, Commissioner Hughes


Alarms and Radios, Commissioner Higgins, Jr.

Commissioner Higgins spoke to Stephanie and hopefully the radios will be coming in shortly. He got the list from the officers so I will call Stephanie tomorrow and set that up.

Personnel, Commissioner Souza, Jr.

Will bring up the letter that went out to the day crew. If they don't take the training they will not be able to work.

Trucks and Equipment, Commissioner Sheehan

FA-12 had some engine work done on it.

FA-17 is having some body work done it.

Commissioner Sheehan is going to start with getting the oil changes and normal adjustment done on the cars.

Purchasing, Commissioner Hughes

Pass Devices are in.

Old Business

Commissioner Higgins reported the alarm system is fixed.


New Business


Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Commissioner Sheehan and seconded by Commissioner Higgins. Motion passed by a unanimous vote.