May 7th, 2014 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Agenda Meeting

May 7, 2014 Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners Agenda Meeting 

The agenda meeting of the Colonia Board of Fire Commissioners took place at the Colonia Firehouse on May 7, 2014 at 7:30pm. The meeting was called to order by Board President Ray Hughes followed by a moment of silence for departed members.

Notice of the meeting was advertised in the Home News Tribune and the Asbury Park

 Press and at Town Hall.

Commissioners present: Ray Hughes, Jim Souza, Ed Sheehan, Bill Higgins, Sr. and Bill Higgins, Jr. Communications and Bills

Buildings and Grounds, Commissioner Higgins, Sr.

The backstairs were put in and they did a great job. The roof was patched. Water and Hydrants, Commissioner Higgins, Jr.

Insurance, Commissioner Hughes, Jr.

We received paperwork from NJ Manufacturers regarding the accident the SQAD had. Paperwork was sent to our agent.

Personnel, Commissioner Souza, Jr.


Trucks and Equipment, Commissioner Sheehan

FA-12 is at the Township getting some repairs done. FA-11 was in an accident.

12-21 went to Absolute to have the gages checked. It is back in service.

12-2 had exhaust work done on it.

The title was issued on the Chiefs truck and 12-2. Mitch started normal services on all vehicles. Purchasing, Commissioner Hughes, Jr.

The guys were measured for their gear. Working on issue with glasses.

Old Business

Commissioners discussed replacing computers. Firefighter Schleck needs new computers and systems.

Commissioner Souza went to Best Buy to look at their computers and systems. They cost more than the price Precision gave us.

 We need to move on it since our systems are old.

New Business

Commissioner Souza looked on their security system and noticed they have a lot of dead spots they need cameras for. The system is capable of adding extra cameras.

Commissioner Hughes recommended with the new radio system they have a camera facing the doors.

Commissioner Sheehan said the floors came out good that they had done in the building.

The steps should be done with the rubber treading. The cost is $7,100.00. Commissioner Higgins gave an update on the inspector who

 came to inspect the elevators. The pit is full of water and needs to be pumped out. The water might have some oil mixed in with it.

Commissioner Sheehan suggested looking into making sure ale units are working. Fan upstairs in attic is still not working.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Commissioner Sheehan and seconded by

Commissioner Higgins, Jr. at 7:44 pm. Motion passed by a unanimous vote.